Monday, October 15, 2012

Sweater Weather!

Hullo Blogville, momma is takin' me to the vet on Wednesday because she is pretty sure dat my head shakin' is just part of bein' a boxer, but we'll know for sure then.

But here in Da Okanagan (where we live) it's been pretty cold in da mornings, so momma has decided it's time for me to start wearing my sweaters! She says dat I'm a good boy because I don't whine or complain or run away from my sweaters.... why would I tho? They keep me warm!

I think that I'm pretty handsome, especially with my hood on.

Have a good day Furiends!


  1. Ooh, I like that sweater! The bright green trim is totally pawsome, and you definitely look handsome in it. So far it's only been cool enough here in Texas to have worn our sweatshirts once or twice. Then -- as usual! -- we had a sudden heat wave and it's back in the 70s and 80s. I hope it's REAL fall weather soon.

    1. Mama says dat 70-80 is around da 20's here cuz we use Celsius instead of Farenheit, but it's been less than 10 here everyday this week, and almost hitting Zero in the mornings. BUT, it's a Canucks jersey... mama didn't gets a picture of it. They're my daddy's favourite hockey team. :)

  2. Definitely handsome! We can't walk if we have clothes on...

    XXXOOO Daisy, bella & Roxy

  3. You look pretty cool, Floyd should get one for next winter.

    Hope everything goes well at the v.e.t!

  4. Looking good there Stig. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Hey dude! Thanks for stopping by the bloggie! You look pawesome in that sweater and we can't believes you lives in the Okanagan... we lives on Vancouver Island!

    Sam and Pippen

    1. Yeah, my parents and I live in Kelowna!
      Next time we go downs to da island maybe we can has a playdate!

  6. Stig,

    You looks very handsome in dat sweater...just sayin' . Hopefully you will get a chance to actually meets Sam and Pippen in da furs someday, dat would be so cool!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max
