Sunday, July 29, 2012

Serious Sundays

So, dis week we gots to talk about someting dat is very, very importants.


Dese bugs fink that they cans just climbs around outside, on MY patio, and dey don't even comes and sees me. Dats probably because I eat them I am too big and scary.

Mebbe its acuz I growlz at dem and smoosh dem wif my big boxer head.

Eider way, They're out there! And they're touchin' ur stuff wifout yew sayin' dat it's okay too! So we gots to watch out for dem reaaaaal good.

I promise I'm not sleepin' on the job guyz

I's gots my window covered guys, I'll be sure to tell dose bugs dat I'm not the only one watchin' out about dem!

Anyway, dats de end of dis serious Sunday, I's gonna go watch out da window and mebbe haves a nap.

Paws, Stig.

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