Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Is a virtue my momma says.

So we has been practicing (mama sure makes me work hard for treats!)

Aside from waiting for all dese delicious noms I had to high five (both paws separately and together) shake (both paws) down, jump up, say sorry, and give hugs!

It's all worth it at the end though.


  1. WOW, you sure do have to work hard! Usually Momma just makes me sit for mine. I hope she doesn't start getting any ideas.

    By the way, what does "say sorry" mean?

    1. Sorry is when I has to give hands kisses (usually after I get nippy when Im excited) cuz mama works with little kids and Im still a puppy so dey don't always understand.

  2. Stig,

    We is MOST impressed wif all of your talents! Our mom makes us do silly things before we get treats too! :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  3. Stig, that is so impressive, But we trained HER not to expect us to do things like that for our treats!

    XXXoOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  4. Stig we too are impressed. You are very patient. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly
